A1 speaking

A1 speaking

Are you a learner at A1 English level (elementary)? This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively.

Each lesson has a preparation task and a video that introduces the language in context and gives you the opportunity to listen to and repeat the useful phrases. There are also tasks to check your understanding of the video and to practise the useful language. Make a start today.

Choose a video

In this video, Paul has problems understanding Bob. Listen to the language they use for checking understanding and practise saying the useful phrases.

In this video, Noelia and Yuna have a very good meeting. Listen to the language they use for making suggestions and practise saying the useful phrases.

In this video, Vanya meets Emir and Yuna. Listen to the language they use for meeting new people and practise saying the useful phrases.